Freedom’s Frontier awards partners and projects at its annual awards luncheon every November.
This award is for a partner(s) with a nominated exhibit, program, or project specifically highlighting the settlement of western Missouri and eastern Kansas.
This award is for a partner(s) with a nominated exhibit, program, or project specifically highlighting an aspect of conflict on the border of Missouri and Kansas during the Civil War.
This award is for a partner(s) with a nominated exhibit, program, or project specifically highlighting a topic regarding the struggle for freedom or civil rights within the heritage area. It may be about historical content or focus on a more recent event inspired by earlier movements such as abolition or women’s suffrage.
Please submit a short nomination using the criteria below:
Submit the name of a project, program, exhibit, media, etc that shared content specifically related to one of FFNHA’s 3 Themes. We are using the catch-all term “project.”
Production or implementation included at least one FFNHA partner and was completed (or was put in place) within the last year.
You may only nominate the project once and only under one theme. FFNHA retains the right to shift a nomination if it determines it fits a different category or could be more competitive for another award.
Anyone may nominate, including self-nominations. A person may submit multiple individual nominations but may make only one submission per theme per partner site/organization.
The project does not need to have received funding or support from FFNHA.
Grant awards may vary and be limited by funding to which FFNHA has access at a particular time. Any project not receiving funding during an application review cycle may consult FFNHA staff, peers and/or colleagues, refocus the project or application to better meet the criteria, and resubmit an application during a later review cycle.
General information regarding scoring decisions for a project may be requested by its applicant but decisions for the cycle are final. FFNHA stakeholders and any reviewing participants have the right of and/or responsibility to maintain confidentiality surrounding partner(s)’ submitted materials including finances, discussion regarding applications and awards, and any information that has not been made by public announcement. The applicant receives no guarantee of or to any funds by submitting a Project Grant application.
Please direct inquiries to
Kate Sutter, Director of Programming, at [email protected]