Freedom’s Frontier awards partners and projects at its annual awards luncheon every November.
Judy Billings, Retired President and CEO of Destination Management, Inc., served as the founding Executive Director of Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA) from 2006-2012 and was instrumental in advocating for National Heritage Area designation. To honor her work, FFNHA trustees established the Billings Most Valuable Project award, which honors outstanding projects committed to the advancement of FFNHA goals and adherence to FFNHA guiding principles.
Please submit a short nomination using the criteria below:
Submit the name of a project, program, exhibit, media, etc that shared content specifically related to one of FFNHA’s 3 themes. We are using the catch-all term “project.”
Production or implementation included at least one FFNHA partner and was completed (or was put in place) within the last year.
FFNHA retains the right to shift a nomination if it determines it fits a different category or could be more competitive for another award.
Anyone may nominate, including self-nominations. A person may submit multiple individual nominations but may make only one submission per partner site/organization.
The project does not need to have received funding or support from FFNHA.
Please direct inquiries to
Kate Sutter, Director of Programming, at [email protected]