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Grants Q&A

EVENTS — May 18, 2023

Our grant applications process is moving into the 21st century! To learn more, join partnership coordinator Kate Sutter and FFNHA staff for an online Q&A on Thursday, May 18 at 10:00 am.

No reservation required. Simply click the link below to join.

Zoom login linkopens 10 minutes before event

Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA) is dedicated to building awareness of the struggles for freedom in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Its themes are the settlement of the frontier, the Missouri-Kansas Border War and Civil War, and the enduring struggle for freedom. These diverse, interwoven, and nationally important stories grew from a unique physical and cultural landscape. FFNHA inspires respect for multiple perspectives and empowers residents to preserve and share these stories. We achieve our goals through interpretation, preservation, conservation, and education for all residents and visitors.

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