FFNHA: What is your professional background?
Steve Hitchcock: Taught history and social studies for 26 years. Two years in southwest Kansas and 24 years at Richmond (MO) High School where I was also the Cross Country and Track coach.
In which state and county are you located?
I’ve lived in Baldwin City, Kansas since 2010 – in Douglas County.
How long have you been a trustee?
I have served on the board of FFNHA since January of 2023.
Why are you a trustee?
I was honored to be asked to serve on the board because it fit very well with my goals and intentions to be actively involved in the promotion of history in a public setting and to help preserve the physical and cultural heritage of this region.
What does Freedom’s Frontier mean to you?
FFNHA means that I have a meaningful place to learn, share, and contribute to efforts that I find extremely valuable to our society as a venue for reflection and discussion of important – and difficult – questions surrounding who we were, and who we are, as Americans.
What is the best thing about FFNHA?
The best thing about FFNHA is the collaboration and building of relationships between a variety of institutions and individuals. Historic sites of federal, state, county, and non-profit organizations share a table that provides equal standing among groups with a common purpose.
What future FFNHA event or initiative are you most excited about?
The hosting of the Alliance of National Heritage Areas is at the top of my list of events I’m looking forward to.
What is the last historic site you visited?
My last visit to an historic site was a brief stop at the relatively new Trail Scout Park in Shawnee featuring an equestrian statue of a young Wild Bill Hickok.
What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was Steele’s Retreat From Camden & the Battle of Jenkins’ Ferry by Edwin Bearss.
Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA) builds awareness of struggles for freedom in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Established by Congress in 2006, FFNHA covers a unique physical and cultural landscape across 41 counties and 31,000 square miles. It promotes three diverse, interwoven, and nationally significant stories: frontier settlement, the Missouri-Kansas Border War and Civil War, and enduring civil rights disputes. FFNHA inspires respect for multiple perspectives and empowers area residents to preserve and share these stories, achieving its goals through interpretation, preservation, conservation, and education for all residents and visitors. It is one of 62 federally recognized National Heritage Areas across the United States.