Freedom’s Frontier NHA hosts 12 meetings every year, alternating partner meetings and trustee meetings every month. Meetings occur at locations across the heritage area.

Partner meetings occur from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Trustee meetings occur from noon to 3:30 p.m. Both typically include a guided tour. Space requirements are different for each type of meeting.

Partner meeting requirements:

  • No reservation/rental fee
  • Large enough for 50+ people with tables and chairs
  • Accessible rooms and bathrooms
  • A way to show presentations
  • HVAC for the season
  • Parking availability
  • A place to set up food items

Trustee meeting requirements:

  • No reservation/rental fee
  • Large enough for 25 people around a large table or tables for a business meeting
  • Accessible rooms and bathrooms
  • A way to show presentations
  • HVAC for the season
  • Parking Availability
  • A place for a small or boxed lunch
  • Ability to Zoom the meeting

If you would like to host FFNHA and its membership, please complete the form below.